Why Does Alight Motion Keep Crashing

Why Does Alight Motion Keep Crashing?

A comprehensive guide is available to educate professionals and other users about the reasons behind why Does Alight Motion Keep Crashing.

However, this article lists a few more frequent issues you could encounter while attempting to export pictures or videos with Alight Motion. Also, You might not be able to use the Alight Motion app because of a device or internet connection issue. If none of the issues listed below apply to Why does Alight Motion keep crashing, please refer to the final portion of this article for extra assistance.

Common Errors On Why Does Alight Motion Keep Crashing

Insufficient GPU RAM Error

Although problems with RAM or graphical capacity are also possible, the lack of extra storage on the device is most likely to blame. Also, Try the instructions below if you’re experiencing problems uploading a video or an image to Alight Motion;

  • Restart the device. Help ensure no other applications are active. 
  • Also, Hold down the Long Press key while tapping the Share icon on the project thumbnail you want to export to view export choices. 
  • Comparatively speaking, this will consume fewer resources than exporting from within the project. Also, attempt exporting directly from the project list instead of opening the project and navigating to the Export & Share screen.
Insufficient GPU RAM error:

Crashing While Editing

Please refrain from uninstalling and reinstalling a program if it crashes while you are editing it. Also, This will eliminate all of your projects and might not solve the problem;

  • Please stay aware that clearing up storage space by uninstalling data or programs from your device won’t stop crashes from happening.
  • Also, please send your name, location, contact information, email account, and the app version, along with a thorough description of your issue, to our team.
  • Your device’s and the app you’re using’s details are displayed on the About screen. Also, when you initially open the app, you can discover this window in App Settings.
  • The team will have diagnostic data about your crashes that one can use to resolve the issue if you could kindly supply your Crash Monitoring ID.

Disappearing of Media Files in Apple Products

Music and video content gets played by Alight Motion using multimedia content on your device. Please ensure that all permissions get correctly configured when using an Apple item by checking the following;

  • Please make sure Demonstration Mode gets disabled when you have appropriate files that you also want the app to be able to access in your camera roll or the Alight Motion subfolder in the Files app.
  • Also, please confirm that Apple Music gets enabled and Albums get selected to All Photos. 
  • Plus, Make sure Alight Motion gets permitted access to your media and photographs on Mac machines by going to Systems Preferences, clicking Security & Privacy, and checking the box.

Disappearing of Media Files in Android

  • Please ensure that all permissions get properly configured if users are using a Device, and Alight Motion also does not recognize any file formats on your device.
  • Please check whether Demo Mode is not enabled in the application’s Settings Menu.
  • Depending on your device, the placement of this setting also may differ significantly. Make sure Alight Motion has permission to access your multimedia content.
Disappearing of media files in Android

Reasons and Troubleshooting of Why Does Alight Motion Keep Crashing?

Inadequate Device Resources

It can be a major factor in Alight Motion crashes because the video editing process is resource-intensive. To troubleshoot this issue, you may follow these steps:

  • Device’s Storage and Memory Analysis
  • Android: Navigate to “Settings” > “Storage” to view the used and available storage of your phone.
  • iOS: Go to “Settings” > “General Settings” > “iPad / iPhone Storage” to check storage levels

Users can free up more space by eliminating the non-essential media, files, or apps if they recognize this issue.

  • Close Background Applications
  • Android: In “Settings” > “Apps,” identify apps working in your background, and you must turn “Force stop” them.
  • iOS: Double-click > home button and swipe up and close all other opened Apps 

If the background Applications are working, and these may crash your editing process on the Alight Motion App. You can easily resolve and fix this issue for a convenient editing experience.

Alight Motion App closing is fixed
  • Device Restart

Well, the restarting device action frees up more memory of devices and fixes various glitches:

  • Android: Press the Android’s Power button > Restart/Power off > Device Restart
  • iOS: Hold on to the Power Plus volume button > slider used to turn off your phone > power option to turn back.

Incompatible or Outdated Version of Alight Motion 

One of the major glitches is the outdated and incompatible version of your App and device. So, you must ensure and troubleshoot this issue for smooth working on your editing project:

  • System/Software Update Analysis (Software Conflict)
  • Android: Open to “Settings” >- “System” >- “Software update” to examine for OS upcoming updates.
  • iOS: Go to “Settings” >- “General” >- “Software Update” to ensure your operating system is up to date.

This approach can resolve all compatibility issues and provide a smooth user experience.

  • Alight Motion Updates Analysis
  • Android: Open Google Play > navigate to “My Applications & Games,” now, update “Alight Motion” if available.
  • iOS: Move to > the App Store > “Updates,” and install any available Alight Motion updates

Corrupt Data/Files

This video editing app Alight may crash due to corrupt data or files that you can tackle by clearing the cache or going for a reinstallation of the App. How can you troubleshoot it:

  • App Cache Elimination
  • Android: In “Settings” > “Apps,” click on Alight Motion, then “Storage” and “Clear cache.”
  • iOS: Unfortunately, the cache-clearing option isn’t accessible to users. No fret, let’s consider uninstalling – reinstalling the App easily.
  • Alight Motion Uninstall – Reinstallation
  • Android: Open your device “Settings” > “Apps,” > Alight Motion, click on “Uninstall,” and then reinstall it simply.
  • iOS: Press the app icon until it jiggles, then press on the “X” sign to uninstall. After that, you may again reinstall its updated version, and it will work.

Well, the issues of corrupt files can be easily resolved by applying these methods and utilizing your upgraded App for your editing projects.

Third-Party Effects and Plugins 

Alight Motion crashes may be due to third-party effects and plugins. If your glitches still exist, you must look at this issue and go for its troubleshooting:

  • Third-Party Plugins Removal
  • Android: Enable “Settings” > “Apps,” go for Alight Motion, and press the “Uninstall updates” to eliminate third-party plugins/effects.
  • iOS: On the home screen > open Alight Motion > hold the icon and click on the “X” icon to remove both any third-party plugins/effects and the App.
  • Reinstall Alight Motion
  • Android: Visit the Google Store > find out about Alight Motion > tap “Install.”
  • iOS: Move to the App Store > type and search for Alight Motion > click on”Get”

If you reinstall your App on the removal of third-party elements, you can easily resolve these third-party issues.

Additional Reasons for Alight Motions App Crashing

Encounter preview errors while working on the Alight App can be frustrating, but these methods can help address such issues. Hence, various additional reasons can be beneficial to check and improve your preview glitches.

  • Bugs and Glitches

Alight Motion users may experience bugs, especially with advanced features. Regular updates can resolve these known issues, but unforeseen problems can arise. Hence, users should always use the latest app version and keep their operating system up to date to minimize bugs and glitches.

Additional Reasons for Alight Motions App Crashing
  • Weak Internet Connection 

A poor internet connection can disrupt the working of Alight Motion. Your unreliable or slow connections may lead to unresponsiveness. You must maintain a reliable and fast internet connection to avoid disruptions and ensure smooth app performance.

  • Low Memory Issues

Users can ensure their device has enough free space to avoid unexpected shutdowns. Their overloaded RAM can crash or slow down the Alight Motion App. So, delete or move files to free up memory on devices with limited RAM.

  • Compatibility Checks

You need to verify your device’s compatibility with Alight Motion. Well, you can ensure both the app and your device’s operating system are up to date. Meanwhile, you can check if your device meets the minimum specifications. Therefore, close conflicting background apps or services to prevent crashes.

  • Playback Settings Adjustment

On your editing projects, you can avoid errors conveniently by altering the resolution or frame rate within Alight Motion to enhance preview performance.

  • Pre-render Footage

You can minimize latency and enhance performance during real-time previews by considering the pre-rendering of your clips.


Will the app crash after a black screen appears?

An app will crash after a brief time on a black screen when you launch it. Also, Few solutions exist for this issue. Press the recent apps menu and its first left key on your phone. After that, you can also exit the problematic app and restart it to fix the issue.

What reason can prevent the app page from loading?

The Alight Motion application host could get offline, preventing the page from loading. Also, You don’t have a functioning Internet or cellular data connection, which can cause this problem. Too many people are simultaneously using the app is another reason. Before beginning to download, check your data connection. Then, after a short delay, try again.

What can cause a login issue in the app?

A downed Alight Motion server might bring on the login in account issue. Also, Review if the assistance is operational if you log in through a third-party social network, such as Google. A ban or deactivation of your account could result from your actions on the app.

Why do app updates crash in IOS?

Please ensure your mobile device has enough capacity and that the software you’re attempting to download is compatible with the iOS version. Make sure your phone has enough storage so you can download updates. Also, It might prevent app updates.


Lastly, these are some of the many errors about Why does Alight Motion keep crashing. The crash may happen because of low storage or while exporting files. Also, it can happen in IOS or Android too. So always make sure to know the cause of the crash to deal with it quickly.

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